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Transposition of EU Directives

Transposition of EU directives  

In accordance with the Article 288 of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union to exercise the Union’s competences, the institutions shall adopt - regulations, directives, decisions, recommendations and opinions.

A regulation shall have general application. It shall be binding in its entirety and directly applicable in all Member States.

A directive shall be binding, as to the result to be achieved, upon each Member State to which it is addressed, but shall leave to the national authorities the choice of form and methods.

A decision shall be binding in its entirety. A decision which specifies those to whom it is addressed shall be binding only on them.

Recommendations and opinions shall have no binding force.

In the Official Journal of the European Union ( each directive contains Bibliographic notice, in section Display the national execution measures – MNE – is a reference to the legislation of the EU Member States,  given to transpose the directive into national law.

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Ministry of Finance
of the Slovak republic

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