Ministry of Finance of the Slovak republic, Štefanovičova 5, 817 82 Bratislava, IČO: 00151742.

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About IFP

Our mission is to provide analyses and forecasts for well-informed public decisions and to keep a finger on the pulse of the day on economic topics and data.

Institute of Financial Policy (IFP) is analytical department of the Ministry of Finance, which is among the top analytical units in Slovakia and is one of the oldest public administration economic think tanks in our country.

The Macroeconomic Analysis and Forecasting Unit creates short- and medium-term forecasts of economic development. The team also focuses on examining the impact of current events on the labor market and GDP. Within this team, there is also a unit that focuses on behavioral experiments and analyses.

The Tax Revenue Analysis and Forecasting Unit focuses on the analysis, assessment and quantification of government revenues. This team not only produces regular budget revenue forecasts, but also focuses on proposals and solutions for modern tax policy (green taxation, digital tax and others).

The Fiscal Analysis and Forecasting Unit focuses on fiscal policy, public finances and their long-term sustainability. It creates short-term and long-term forecasts of public spending and debt, monitors the implementation of expenditure ceilings and prepares specific plans to increase the health and transparency of public finances.

The Long-Term Sustainability of Public Finances and Economic Growth Unit seeks to identify measures ensuring long-term and sustainable economic growth and promoting improvement of the quality of life. It also focuses on the forecast of the effects of population aging on the sustainability of public finances.

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Ministry of Finance
of the Slovak republic

Štefanovičova 5
P. O. BOX 82
IČO: 00151742

+421 2 5958 1111


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