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On Purchasing Parity (March 2023)

According to Eurostat data, Slovakia's GDP in purchasing power parity (PPP) is lagging behind the EU average, despite the fact that real GDP in Slovakia is growing faster than the European average. Why?  There are two main reasons:

1. The first stems from methodological shortcomings in the measurement and revision of price levels (PPP)

2. The second reason why GDP at PPP and GDP at constant prices differ is that the two indicators measure two different things. GDP at PPP measures the purchasing power of our income (wages and profits), while GDP at constant prices measures the volume of real output. And in an open economy, we can't always exchange (i.e. import) the same volume of goods for the same volume of output. The growth in the volume of real output is higher than the growth in the standard of living in Slovakia by up to 0.5 p.p. on average each year, because the prices of imported goods are rising faster than the prices of exported goods. This slows down convergence towards the EU average.

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Ministry of Finance
of the Slovak republic

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P. O. BOX 82
IČO: 00151742

+421 2 5958 1111


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