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State Secretary of the MoF SR 2

Ing. Daniela KlučkováIng. Daniela Klučková


University of Economics Bratislava, Faculty of Economics and Finance, Department of Finance


11/2023 State Secretary, Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic
2007 - 2023 Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic - Adviser to the State Secretary, Director of the Direct Taxes Department, Director General of the Tax and Customs Section
2020 - 2020 President of the Financial Administration
2007 - 2007 Health Insurance Surveillance Authority
2002 - 2007 Tax Office for Selected Tax Subjects / Director of the Office
1999 - 2002 Tax Office Bratislava I / Director of the Office
1993 - 1999 Tax Directorate of the Slovak Republic direct tax methodologies
1990 - 1993 Tax Office Bratislava III / Head of Tax Department
1988 - 1990 Municipal Financial Administration, Bratislava / Officer
1983 - 1984 District National Committee Humenné / administrative worker

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Ministry of Finance
of the Slovak republic

Štefanovičova 5
P. O. BOX 82
IČO: 00151742

+421 2 5958 1111


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