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The labour market has entered one of the deepest slacks since transition and its effects are likely to last for some time. This report was written with the ambition to start a regular annual exercise in labour market analysis at the Financial Policy Institute. It looks at key developments in the Slovak labour market for the previous year providing policy relevant analysis and comparing results with previous trends and internationally. Added value of the report also comes from utilizing microeconomic data from surveys conducted and collected by the Statistical office. The second part is devoted to a special topic reflecting current issues in the Slovak labour market and allows greater in-depth focus. This year’s special chapter looks at the role of self-employment, which has increased considerably in the last years and identifies a number of factors, which could be driving it.
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Pokračuj v čítaní alebo preskoč na menu. Ďalšie možnosti: Začiatok stránky; Zoznam sekcií; Vyhľadávanie; Pätičkové informácie.