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Specialistic institutions of financial market


  • The Export - Import Bank of the Slovak Republic      

The Act No 80/1995 Coll. on the Export – Import Bank of the Slovak Republic as amended by Act   No. 336/1998 Coll. and Act No. 214/2000 Coll.

  • Slovak Guarantee and Development Bank, joint-stock company
  • Slovak Consolidation Agency, joint-stock company
  • Central Securities Depository of the Slovak Republic         


  • Building Companies

ČSOB stavebná sporiteľňa , a. s.

Radlinského 10813 23  Bratislava

Tel: (02) 59 66 78 88, fax: (02) 59 66 79 20


 Prvá stavebná sporiteľňa, a. s. 

 Bajkalská 30, P. O. Box 48, 829 48  Bratislava

Tel: (02) 58 23 11 11,  58 23 11 01


Wϋstenrot stavebná sporiteľňa, a. s.

Grösslingova 77, 824 68  Bratislava

Tel:  +421 2 592 75 111, fax: +421 2 529 20 91 2