Process of preparation and execution of EPC
This is a simplified process (step by step) of the preparation and execution of EPC.
1. The decision to modernize buildings using EPC
- focus on assessing the current technical condition of the building, the necessary extent of such modernization
2. Procurement of an independent professional advisor
- to complete the complex building assessment (professional expertise needed)
3. Preparation of materials for public procurement for ESCO
- the materials for public procurement shall include the EPC template contract
- Appropriate eligibility conditions and evaluation criteria
4. Public procurement for ESCO
- the public entity procures the achievement of energy savings, meaning it procedures an outcome (i.e. a service) and not a specific technical solution that is to achieve such outcome
5. Signature of contract, realization + operation and monitoring
For illustration, the MoF has prepared the EPC case study, which is a simple description of the use of a Template contract (the case is focused on municipality interested in renewal its building using EPC model).