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Interim State budget execution

Name of the Budget item Budget plan 2024
Revenue, total 22,701,961
of which:
1. Taxe revenue 18,633,856
of which:
corporate income tax 4,475,610
- corporate income tax, totall 4,813,533
- transfer of corporate income tax to self-government units -337,923
personal income tax 3,529,080
(-transfer to self-administration budget) -3,552,003
income tax charged as a discount 415,070
value added tax 9,827,000
excise tax 2,778,568
vehicle tax 138,853
insurance tax 106,971
other tax revenue 914,707
2. Nontax revenue 1,549,566
of this:
dividends 436,477
other forms of business 86,192
administrative fees and charges 397,362
gambling levy 321,467
3. Grants and transfers 2,518,539
of this:
from EU budget 1,237,239
from RRF* 1,215,402
Expenditure, total 30,317,891
of which:
1. Current expenditure 27,190,658
of this:
wages and salaries 3,135,966
social and health contributions 1,170,281
goods and services 3,361,755
transfers 19,522,456
2. Capital expenditure 3,127,233
of which:
purchase of non-financial assets 2,086,202
capital transfers 1,041,031
Deficit (-) / Surplus (+) -7,615,930

* Recovery and Resilience Facility