Site map Ministry Vision of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic Leaders MoF SR Minister of Finance of the SR State Secretary of the MoF SR 1 State Secretary of the MoF SR 2 Secretary General of the Service Office of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic Organisations within the sphere of authority of the MF SR Organisations of the MF SR chapter Government Audit Office Financial Directorate of the Slovak Republic DataCentrum Educational and Training Facility VS - Financie Tatranská Lomnica State Treasury Debt and Liquidity Management Agency Gambling Regulatory Authority Organisations with state participation, in which the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic performs founding functions or the exercise of shareholder rights Slovak Restructuring Company, limited-liability company The Export - Import Bank of the Slovak Republic Slovak Electricity Transmission System, joint-stock company Slovak Consolidation Company, joint-stock company Slovak Guarantee and Development Bank, joint-stock company Kremnica Mint, state-owned enterprise Structure of Organisation MoF SR Statute of the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic Legislation Plan of Legislative Tasks History Predecessors of the Ministry Commission for Finance 1944 – 1968 Commissioners for Finance 1944 – 1968 Ministry of Finance Finance Public Finance Public Administration Budget Acts on Budget Rules Fiscal Decentralization The Process of Fiscal Decentralization Financial market Capital Market Legislation European Legislation Banking and Payment Services Legislation European Legislation EU and UN Sanctions International EU and UN sanctions International sanctions Sanctions list Act 289/2016 Coll. on the implementation of international sanctions Competent public government authority for the financial sector - Processes Contact data of competent public authorities Important websites on sanctions Anti-money laundering Financial Inovation Restrictions on cash payments Insurance Intermediaries Financial consumers protection Consumer credits Slovak legislation European legislation Housing loans Slovak legislation European legislation Basic banking product and standard account Slovak legislation European legislation Payment account and payment account switching Slovak legislation European legislation Financial literacy and education Practical information and financial calculators Practical advice and FAQ (frequently asked questions) Financial calculators Specialistic activities of financial market Gambling Specialistic institutions of financial market State Reporting Key Reports and Financial Statements State Closing Account Summary Annual Report Interim State budget execution Financial Statistics on general government revenue, expenditure and debt Special Data Dissemination Standard Advance Release Calendar Central Government Debt The Fulfillment of the State Budget in GFS methodology The Fulfillment of the State Budget in the National Methodology General Government – Consolidated results The Slovak share index (SAX) SDDS Plus The data according to Coucil Directive 2011/85/EU on requirements for budgetary frameworks of the Member States The Fulfilment of the General Government Liabilities of public corporations and participation of government in the capital of corpopration Other Indicators General Government Debt Project of Uniform National Accounting and Reporting Implementation (2005 - 2008) European statistics code of practice Public Private Partnership (PPP) Materials passed by the Government of SR Consultative and Financial Assistance Methodological Documents Energy Performance Contracts The Role of the MoF and MoE Legislation changes in EE law and some other minor issues EPC Methodology and Contract template Process of preparation and execution of EPC Technical assistance for EPCs in the public sector Value for Money Investments Spending reviews Missions and Presentations Presentations and Studies Missions 2019 2018 2017 2016 2015 Contact Institute for Financial Policy About IFP Contacts Policy Briefs Working Papers Economy in Statistics Macroeconomic indicators Taxes and Contributions Fiscal indicators Slovak zero-coupon yield curve Economic Forecasts Macroeconomic forecasts Tax Revenue forecasts Strategic Documents National Reform Program Government Debt Management Strategy Draft Budgetary Plan Stability Programme National Fiscal-Structural Plan Manuals Stochastic forecast of the Slovak public debt Estimates of the Slovak zero-coupon yield curve Taxes, Customs and Accounting Direct Taxes Income Tax Legislation in force Income Tax Act EU Directives related to Direct Taxation International Taxation Double Tax Treaties Other treaties Administrative Cooperation List of cooperative jurisdictions in accordance with letter x) of article 2 of Act No. 595/2003 Income Tax Act Local Taxes Legislation in force Local Taxes and Local Fee for municipal Waste and Minor Construction Waste Act No. 582/2004 Coll Motor Vehicle Tax Act. No. 361/2014 Coll. Administrative Charges Act No. 145/1995 Coll. Court Charges and the Fee for a Copy from the Criminal Record Act No. 71/1992 Coll. Local Development Fee Act No. 447/2015 Coll. Indirect Taxes VAT Act No. 222/2004 Coll. ON VALUE ADDED TAX In wording effective from 1 January 2025 In wording effective from 1 January 2023 In wording effective from 1 January 2022 In wording effective from 1 January 2021 In wording effective from 1 January 2020 In wording effective from 1 January 2019 In wording effective from 1 January 2018 In wording effective from 1 January 2017 In wording effective from 1 January 2016 In wording effective from 1 January 2015 In wording effective from 1 January 2014 In wording effective from 2 January 2013 In wording effective from 1 January 2012 In wording effective from 1 January 2011 In wording effective from 1 January 2010 In wording effective from 1 July 2009 In wording effective from 1 April 2009 In wording effective from 1 January 2009 In wording effective from 1 December 2008 In wording effective from 1 January 2008 In wording effective from 1 January 2007 In wording effective from 1 January 2006 Excise Duties Legislation Excise Duty on Mineral Oil Excise Duty on Alcoholic Beverages Excise Duty on Tobacco Products Excise Duty on Electricity, Coal, and Natural Gas State Aid State Aid SA.49509 (2017/N) - Slovakia - Preferential taxes for biofuels State Aid SA.46046 (2016/NN)- Slovakia – excise duty exemption for inlands waterways (terminates in 30. April 2024) State Aid NN 63/2009 (ex N 83/2008) – Slovak Republic Tax advantage applied on electricity, coal and natural gas (terminates in 30. Jun 2018) Insurance tax Tax Administration and Price Legislation Tax legislation Price legislation Tax Reform Customs Legislation Acts Decrees Documents of the European Union Basic legislation Relief from customs duties Intellectual property rights Product safety Another documents Information Non-Legislation Agreements Another agreements EC Agreements in customs matters Diagonal agreements Conventions Archive Accounting Laws Last amendments of the Act No. 431/2002 Coll. on Accounting as amended and on amendments of some act Directives Regulations Measures European and International Affairs Relations with EU Institutions ECOFIN Council Transposition of EU Directives Financial Relations with EU EU Budget Budget Committee of the Council Multiannual Financial Framework – MFF The sources of revenues for the EU budget Own resources The annual budgetary procedure Useful information about the EU budget International Financial Institutions Bretton Woods Institutions International Monetary Fund - IMF The World Bank Group - WBG Council of Europe Development Bank - CEB European Bank for Reconstruction and Development - EBRD European Investment Bank - EIB European Investment Fund - EIF Pan-European Guarantee Fund (EGF) International Bank fоr Economic Co-operation - IBEC International Investment Bank - IIB Nordic Investment Bank - NIB International Organizations Asia-Europe Meeting (ASEM) Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development - OECD Rating Agencies Development Cooperation Public Financial Management Support Private Sector Opportunities and Innovations Support Bilateral Cooperation