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Interim State budget execution

Name of the Budget item Budget plan 2024 20.11.2024 19.11.2024 18.11.2024 15.11.2024 14.11.2024 13.11.2024 12.11.2024 11.11.2024 08.11.2024 07.11.2024 06.11.2024 05.11.2024 04.11.2024
Revenue, total 22,701,961 19,225,888 19,198,063 19,174,167 19,086,637 19,054,707 18,997,017 18,950,739 18,901,029 18,826,197 18,831,476 19,078,781 19,047,923 18,908,497
of which:
1. Taxe revenue 18,633,856 15,206,649 15,185,283 15,163,072 15,083,142 15,052,466 14,995,544 14,950,989 14,902,220 14,828,346 14,835,127 15,088,204 15,058,244 15,025,282
of which:
corporate income tax 4,475,610 3,836,667 3,831,177 3,829,023 3,825,998 3,821,415 3,818,604 3,815,434 3,813,297 3,810,408 3,812,772 3,810,253 3,807,580 3,804,893
- corporate income tax, totall 4,813,533 4,174,590 4,169,100 4,166,946 4,163,921 4,159,338 4,156,527 4,153,357 4,151,220 4,148,331 4,150,695 4,148,176 4,145,503 4,142,816
- transfer of corporate income tax to self-government units -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923 -337,923
personal income tax 3,529,080 2,961,975 2,958,555 2,954,265 2,943,368 2,921,620 2,897,217 2,872,609 2,840,598 2,794,674 2,736,817 2,712,406 2,697,776 2,687,976
(-transfer to self-administration budget) -3,552,003 -3,146,386 -3,146,386 -3,146,386 -3,146,386 -3,146,386 -3,146,386 -3,146,386 -3,146,386 -3,146,386 -3,146,386 -2,839,740 -2,839,740 -2,839,740
income tax charged as a discount 415,070 486,250 485,921 485,621 476,471 469,014 461,222 454,636 453,190 452,465 451,380 450,180 449,175 447,516
value added tax 9,827,000 8,081,638 8,074,032 8,059,783 8,004,935 8,012,641 7,991,412 7,982,479 7,969,653 7,946,125 8,010,213 7,987,283 7,975,993 7,959,637
excise tax 2,778,568 2,248,347 2,248,236 2,247,132 2,246,178 2,245,869 2,245,306 2,244,305 2,244,086 2,243,359 2,242,818 2,242,421 2,242,338 2,240,005
vehicle tax 138,853 128,714 128,651 128,547 128,377 128,236 128,168 128,030 127,930 127,879 127,791 127,746 127,661 127,544
insurance tax 106,971 111,057 111,057 111,057 111,057 111,057 111,056 111,034 111,034 111,034 111,034 111,034 110,844 110,844
other tax revenue 914,707 498,387 494,040 494,030 493,145 489,001 488,945 488,849 488,818 488,788 488,690 486,620 486,617 486,607
2. Nontax revenue 1,549,566 1,284,087 1,281,936 1,281,174 1,275,435 1,274,745 1,273,979 1,272,340 1,271,398 1,270,440 1,268,935 1,263,164 1,262,265 1,261,618
of this:
dividends 436,477 156,533 156,533 156,533 156,533 156,533 156,533 156,533 156,533 156,533 156,533 156,533 156,533 156,533
other forms of business 86,192 8,057 7,992 7,963 7,936 7,917 7,907 7,896 7,889 7,856 7,833 7,825 7,815 7,796
administrative fees and charges 397,362 373,462 372,286 371,790 366,369 365,929 365,502 364,882 364,343 363,553 362,938 362,443 361,698 361,184
gambling levy 321,467 295,612 295,612 295,612 295,612 295,612 295,612 295,475 295,277 295,277 294,524 294,524 294,524 294,507
3. Grants and transfers 2,518,539 2,735,153 2,730,845 2,729,922 2,728,060 2,727,496 2,727,494 2,727,411 2,727,411 2,727,411 2,727,414 2,727,414 2,727,414 2,621,597
of this:
from EU budget 1,237,239 2,564,963 2,560,655 2,559,731 2,557,870 2,557,306 2,557,306 2,557,222 2,557,222 2,557,222 2,557,222 2,557,222 2,557,222 2,557,222
from RRF* 1,215,402 105,816 105,816 105,816 105,816 105,816 105,816 105,816 105,816 105,816 105,816 105,816 105,816 0
Expenditure, total 30,317,891 24,353,493 24,129,365 24,087,918 23,989,962 23,884,336 23,858,248 23,557,610 23,485,628 23,246,350 22,956,082 22,909,490 22,765,443 22,631,016
of which:
1. Current expenditure 27,190,658 22,454,179 22,307,341 22,277,473 22,184,600 22,100,360 22,086,808 21,797,492 21,732,174 21,500,855 21,223,855 21,180,160 21,067,887 20,935,819
of this:
wages and salaries 3,135,966 2,589,459 2,586,000 2,585,884 2,585,899 2,586,069 2,585,359 2,558,935 2,551,113 2,500,241 2,360,373 2,338,139 2,328,114 2,323,740
social and health contributions 1,170,281 966,868 964,659 964,635 964,614 964,333 964,098 953,749 950,915 923,722 878,517 871,032 867,252 865,893
goods and services 3,361,755 1,716,641 1,705,849 1,700,954 1,695,429 1,683,596 1,678,340 1,668,554 1,655,454 1,632,936 1,616,737 1,610,064 1,604,346 1,598,410
transfers 19,522,456 17,181,111 17,050,733 17,025,900 16,938,559 16,866,261 16,858,912 16,616,154 16,574,591 16,443,856 16,368,129 16,360,825 16,268,075 16,147,677
2. Capital expenditure 3,127,233 1,899,314 1,822,024 1,810,445 1,805,361 1,783,976 1,771,440 1,760,118 1,753,454 1,745,496 1,732,227 1,729,331 1,697,556 1,695,197
of which:
purchase of non-financial assets 2,086,202 382,304 377,511 376,077 373,038 371,906 366,925 363,020 360,986 356,264 354,513 353,147 351,084 349,856
capital transfers 1,041,031 1,517,011 1,444,513 1,434,368 1,432,324 1,412,071 1,404,515 1,397,098 1,392,468 1,389,231 1,377,714 1,376,184 1,346,473 1,345,341
Deficit (-) / Surplus (+) -7,615,930 -5,127,605 -4,931,302 -4,913,750 -4,903,324 -4,829,629 -4,861,231 -4,606,871 -4,584,599 -4,420,154 -4,124,607 -3,830,709 -3,717,520 -3,722,519

* Recovery and Resilience Facility